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# How to Overcome Writer's Block Writer's block has, until recently, been thought of as an unbeatable obstacle. From the back of Shakespeare's notebooks to that last little bit of dialogue you just can't get out, writer's block may seem like an insurmountable mountain. It can impede your writing for days, weeks, or even months. And while it seems tempting to just ignore the problem and hope that it goes away, writer's block is one of those pesty pests that requires active extermination. Here are some tips and tricks that may help you to eliminate it.# Create a Schedule When we're feeling creative, we want to write and we want to write now. If you're one of those people who keeps saying "I'll get to it later," then perhaps you need a creative scheduling tool. If you can't pinpoint the exact time to write your piece, set a schedule.# Schedule Your Time Writer's block tends to strike at the worst possible times, which is probably why many authors put off their work until the last minute. Use the calendar on your computer or go paper-free and schedule blocks of time for writing. You may find that you have more energy for creative work if it's scheduled into your day.# Avoid Procrastination It's easy to have a lot of excuses as to why you're putting off writing. The laundry needs to be done, the kids need a nap, it's too noisy at home or too quiet. Sometimes the simplest way to get your creative juices flowing is by avoiding procrastination and just writing instead. If you can't even sit down and start writing, there is no way you'll be able to finish your piece. Procrastination is part of writer's block and often feeds off itself. Break the cycle by just starting to write.# Work the Momentum If you're having trouble getting started with your article, think about ways that you can work the momentum into your favor. For instance, you could start with an outline or a basic skeleton of your piece or try jotting down ideas for your article on a notepad before you sit down at the computer.# Reward Yourself When you do finish that article, reward yourself by doing something totally unrelated to writing. Go see a movie, go shopping, read a book you've been looking forward to reading - anything that has nothing to do with writing. Remember to give yourself a positive reward instead of punishing yourself with guilt or self-loathing for not getting your article done.# Get Outside Help If you're still struggling, take a break. If you've been banging your head against the word processor and getting nowhere, get outside help for your writer's block. Talk to a professional, like a teacher or someone in your writing group who can help you work through the problem and get past it. cfa1e77820

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